7. Sandars J. Twelve tips for using blogs and wikis in medical education. Med Teach. déc 2006;28(8):680‑2.
8. Sandars J, Morrison C. What is the Net Generation? The challenge for future medical education. Medical Teacher. 1 janv 2007; 29(2‑3):85‑8.
== Liens directs ==
===Fev 18===
===Jan 18===
Liens ? :
Sandars J. Twelve tips for using blogs and wikis in medical education. Med Teach. déc 2006;28(8):680‑2. Sandars J, Morrison C. What is the Net Generation? The challenge for future medical education. Medical Teacher. 1 janv 2007; 29(2‑3):85‑8.
DeWitt D, Alias N, Siraj S, Spector JM. Wikis for a Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Module for Secondary School Science. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 2017;20(1):144‑55.
== Notes et références ==